Come and Try No Obligation

Fairplay coupon of up to $200
For parents, carers or guardians to apply for vouchers which can be used towards sport and active recreation membership, registration or participation fees. If you are experiencing financial hardship but don’t meet the eligibility criteria, you can seek to apply through a registered referral agent.
Apply for Fairplay Voucher
Open Days & Sign On:
Saturday 24th August 2024 8-10am
Coolangatta SLSC – Cnr Marine Pde & Dutton St, Coolangatta
Sunday 25th August 2024 8-10am
Coolangatta SLSC – Cnr Marine Pde & Dutton St, Coolangatta
No Obligation Come & Try Day – register here to attend any Sunday during the season at 8am
Pool Swims / Sign On:
Saturday 24th August 2024 11am – 1pm South Tweed Indoor Pool (TRAC) 18 Heffron Street, Tweed Head South
Sunday 24th August 2024 11am – 1pm
South Tweed Indoor Pool (TRAC)
18 Heffron St, Tweed Heads NSW 2485
All Families who cannot attend the Tweed Heads Indoor Pool can contact their local pool facilities in order to have their swim assessment form completed.
More information can be found in our Nipper Handbook.
Nipper Handbook
Nipper family membership is just $210
View the complete 2024/2025 season membership fees.
To Join:
Simply visit the portal or follow the below steps. Call our office on (07) 5536 8474 if you experience any difficulties.
U9’s-U14’s Free Training:
Nipper coach runs free training session for all nippers who are from the under 9 age group and up. Details are posted on the nippers facebook page.
How to join
New memberships can be completed on the SLSA Online Portal (view the instructions on using the portal).
New members have to provide ID; child’s birth certificate or passport at sign on day. Click here to view the age group quick reference guide to work out what age group your child will be in.
Please note that at least one parent/guardian needs to join with any nipper(s) so please select that you want to join My Family and enter the parent/ guardian details first. Memberships will not be processed until payment is recieved and a parent/guardian has joined.
Existing members can renew their membership in the portal or contact us for more information.
If you don’t have a portal account, the paper version of the membership form can be completed. Please bring the completed forms for you and your children to the sign on day or contact the office during business hours.
Child Safe
Safeguarding our children is of the highest priority for the Club
Coolangatta SLSC Statement of Commitment 2024/25 Season
Policies & Guidelines
- About the Child Safe Program
- SLSA Child Safe Code of Conduct
- Child Safe Program – Club Handbook & Guideline
- SLSA Policy 6.04 – Child Safe
- Child Safe Information for Parents and Carers
- Code of Conduct for People in Positions of Authority when dealing with Children & Young People
Blue Cards
- Member Protection Blue Card Policy
- Visit the Blue Card Services Applicant Portal to renew and/or apply for a Blue Card
- For more information about how to apply for a Blue Card:
- Blue Card Application Process
- Completing Blue Card Applications and Submission to Blue Card Services
- If you need to complete a paper based application, please the Club Office
- Working with Children – Training Requirements for Members – Quick Reference Guide
SLS Child Youth Risk Management & Child Safe Awareness Course
All members 18 years & over must complete the Induction upon joining the club
- This short online course is part of the Child Risk Management Strategy and will take approx 30 minutes.
- Guidelines to locating and completing the CYRM module in eLearning are located here.
Frequently Asked Questions
My child is 12 today (born 5 October), what age group will he be in?
The age group that your child is calculated to be in is the age they are as at 30 September – your child was 11 on 30 September (turned 12 on 5 October) and therefore is classed as being in the U12 age group (even though they are 12). A child who has their twelfth birthday on 30 July would be placed in the U13 age group. Note: proof of age must be sighted for all new children joining a club. Check out this age group quick reference guide to work out your childs age group.
My child is not 5 yet, can they still participate in Nippers this season?
The absolute minimum age for a child to join the organisation and participate in Nippers is 5 years old (U6). A child may join as soon as they turn 5 years of age. We are unable to accept membership of a child until they have reached the age of 5 to comply with insurance requirements. A child who reaches 5 years after the 30th September may join nippers at that time for the remainder of the season; however this child will be required to stay in the U6 nipper age group again the following season. Please note: proof of age must be sighted for all new children joining the club.
Does my child change age groups if their birthday is during a season?
No. The age group for children is determined by their age as at midnight 30 September i.e. if a child turns 8 on 30 September, they would be in U9s for that season. If a child turns 8 on 1 October, they would be in U8s for that season.
Does my child have to be in the membership category that is determined by their birthday
There are various reasons nippers may move up or down an age category, i.e. competency, ability, and social situations – such as to be with their peers from schools.
Moving down an age group – if a child moves down an age group they are not permitted to compete in that age group, and they will only gain the age award for the lower age group. Nippers who move down an age group are still required to complete the junior evaluations of their registered age.
Moving up an age group – children are permitted to move up 1 age group, but they are unable to compete in the higher age group. The child will need to complete the junior evaluation for the higher age group, and they will gain the age award of the higher age group, not their registered age group.
Whatever age group the nipper is in, they must complete that age award.
If the child wished to compete at carnnivals they must compete in the age group as determined by their birthday and meet the competition eligibility requirements for that age group.
Must I join a club as a parent?
Yes, at least one parent of a junior member must also join. Most parent’s join as an Associate Member of the club.
How often do I bring my child to the beach?
Each Sunday morning at 7.45am for an 8am start. Our program runs for approximately 2 hours every Sunday. We will have a couple of weeks break over the Christmas/ New Years period.
What does my child need?
Bathers/togs, a club cap, water bottle, long sleeved t-shirt or long-sleeved rash top, sun hat, a towel and sunscreen. It is also mandatory for all nippers to wear a high visibility rash vest. A pink rash vest is supplied by the club.
What do children in Surf Life Saving do?
Depending on their age group, children will cover beach sprints and flags, swimming, board paddling, wading, basic CPR/ first aid skills, junior development and lots of fun activities. They will also learn surf lifesaving skills, surf awareness, and intrinsically develop personal and emotional skills.
How does surf lifesaving provide a safe environment for my child?
With safety being a core value, we are serious about providing a safe environment for our Nippers. We aim to provide children and young people with positive and nurturing experiences while involved in our activities and programs. Our club has clear strategies to ensure your child remains safe on and off the beach. Our volunteers must satisfy Working with Children Checks in addition to abiding by a Code of Conduct, which guides the care of your child. For more information, ask your club about their Statement of Commitment to Children and Young people. Surf Life Saving Queensland has an endorsed Sun Safe policy in place, and through our education curriculum and training programs, we teach children to be beach safe and water safe.
Junior Awards – what are these for my child?
Each age group award has sessions they participate in to acquire relevant skills and knowledge. They will need to attend and participate in all of the compulsory sessions to attain the award. They must also complete the pool and beach evaluation to obtain their Junior Age award.
Does my child have to be able to swim?
Yes, each age group has specific requirements for swimming ability. All children will complete a pool evaluation including a swim and a float, which clubs conduct. This is carried out before participating in any Junior Activities session to assess their swimming and self-survival ability in the water. This will determine whether they can progress to Junior Activities. They will then be required to complete a beach evaluation (run-swim-run). The next step is for them to train to complete the competition evaluation consisting of an ocean water swim. This allows them to compete at inter-club carnivals. Only those who wish to compete are required to complete the competition evaluation.
Is this a “learn to swim” program?
Although your child will benefit enormously and increase their confidence from exposure to open water-based activities, including swimming and board paddling, we do not provide specific learn-to-swim training or stroke correction. This is strongly encouraged to be taken up externally.
What can I do to help?
Parents can become involved in many areas of club activity. Areas can include helping with training, coaching, being an age manager or team manager, officiating, fundraising, providing water safety (if you gain your Surf Rescue Certificate or Bronze Medallion), cooking the club BBQ etc., but most of all supporting your child in their Junior Activities. If you would like to assist please register your interest here.
What happens when my child finishes all the various Junior Activities age groups and awards?
The Junior Development Program is designed to gradually introduce your child into the role of a qualified surf lifesaver and assist in patrolling the beaches. They can continue to be involved in a variety of competition events if desired. They will undertake various other awards and learn many facets of community service involvement. They can be taught specialist areas of competition and compete both at a state and national level.
Other forms
Pool Swim Assessment Form
These can be completed at sign on days but can also be conducted prior to Nippers commencing by a registered swim coach by filling out a pool assessment form.
Blue Card Application Form
Compulsory for committee positions, water safety personnel and age managers and ALL MEMBERS over 18 years of age.
Members can use the online application portal: Blue Card Online Application Portal but you must ensure you have a QLD Licence or CRN number.
- Member Protection Blue Card Policy
- For more information about how to apply for a Blue Card:
- Blue Card Application Process
- Completing Blue Card Applications and Submission to Blue Card Services
- If you need to complete a paper based application, please the Club Office
Parent Involvement Form
Our Nipper program is run by volunteers and is important for parents to get involved and assist where they can. Please take a moment to fill out the Family Participation Program Form which will enable us to work on providing the best possible experience for you and your family.
If you are unsure how you can assist attend our Parent Participation Program Information session on 8th October at the commencment of Nipper, talk to one of our Age Managers or check the Nipper Handbook.
NON-Consent Forms
Photography NON-Consent Form – if you DO NOT Consent to the use of images of you and/or your children for any purpose
U18 Communication NON-Consent Form – if you DO NOT Consent to unauthorised direct communication with your children via calls, text, emails or social media for any purpose
U18 Travel NON-Consent Form – if you DO NOT Consent to unauthorised transport of your children for any purpose
Why it's cool to be a nipper
Why it’s so cool to be a nipper
If you’re thinking of introducing your child to lifesaving, then Junior Activities is for you. Junior Activities is open to children from the age five up to 13 years (age for a season is calculated as of midnight September 30). Every club in Queensland offers a Junior Activities program, all with various styles and sizes. Lifesaving is something for the whole family to get involved in and there are many supporting roles that you can play as a parent of a child involved in Junior Activities.
Surf lifesaving is an amazing activity for growing a child’s confidence, knowledge and skills in the beach environment. Not only will your child have fun and meet new friends they will become part of an iconic organisation that has served the Australian community for over 100 years.
The program is focused on play, participation and fun. It offers an educational pathway through the delivery of the Junior Development Resource Kit which is designed to ensure children have fun at the beach while participating in lessons that will develop them to become a knowledgeable participant in both lifesaving and sport.
Every parent wants their child to lead a happy, healthy and active youth. There is no better place for this than introducing your child to surf lifesaving and nippers. Nippers is a junior program that introduces children ages 5 to 13 to surf lifesaving. It is about learning, confidence and having fun in a safe beach environment. For Nippers, the beach is the classroom. They gain confidence by passing the ‘tests’ of swimming, body boarding, beach sprints, dolphin-diving, spotting a rip, having fun with new friends and discovering things about themselves. The skills gained in nippers will stick to the soul like sand from the beach and be carried for life. The nippers of today are the future of surf lifesaving tomorrow.
But it’s not hard work
We like to call it serious fun! Nippers is a great way for children to make friends, be active and enjoy the beach in a safe environment.
What to bring
- Birth certificate for all new Nippers
- Completed Pool Swim Form (if not completing it on the sign on day)
- Photo ID (drivers licence/ passport) for all new parents/guardians
- EFTPOS will be available
- Club Swimwear will be available to purchase
Our Statement of Commitment
Coolangatta SLSC is committed to safeguarding children and young people in our membership. We acknowledge that a child-safe organisation doesn’t just happen; it requires conscious effort to protect children and young people from harm.
Coolangatta SLSC will work together to ensure a safe and inclusive environment for all children participating in our community. We recognise that our staff, volunteers and members must understand the important responsibilities they each have in relation to child safety. Every person bound by this statement of commitment must always place the safety and welfare of children and young people above all other considerations.
Several measures will be used to achieve this such as:
- Prohibiting any form of abuse against children;
- Providing opportunities for our juniors to contribute to and provide feedback on our program development;
- Carefully selecting and screening people whose role requires them to have regular contact with children.
- Ensuring our code of conduct for people in positions of authority, is promoted and enforced particularly for roles associated with junior sport;
- Providing and promoting avenues for raising concerns or complaints; and
- Providing regular education and/or information to those involved in lifesaving on child abuse and child protection.
- Ensuring safeguarding policy and procedures are communicated and understood by relevant staff and members.
Child Safety:
The Coolangatta SLSC requires that if anyone bound by this statement of commitment reasonably suspects that a child within our organisation, has been or is being abused report it immediately to the police or Department of Communities Child Safety and Disability Services, and to the association’s Safeguarding Children and Young People online reporting portal.
All allegations of child abuse will be dealt with promptly, seriously, sensitively and confidentially. A person will not be victimised for reporting an allegation of child abuse and the privacy of all persons concerned will be respected.
Together we commit to provide an environment where children feel safe, respected and valued.
As the President of Coolangatta SLSC, I hereby sign this Statement of Commitment on 27 July 2024.
Garry Bell
Coolangatta SLSC
Coolangatta SLSC is a non-profit volunteer organisation, run by its members for its members and the local community.
Junior Activities Chairperson | Kate Dykstra |
Deputy Chair | Tracy Maidment |
Secretary | Neasha Bakon |
Treasurer | Damian Ling |
Registrar | Michelle Hill & Annette Alexander |
Awards Officer | Gabrielle Kinneally |
Team Manager – Junior | Leanne Ward |
Team Manager – U11-U14 | Leanne Ward |
Gear Stewards | Brendan Smith and Craig Rideout |
Chief Water Safety | Nigel Ward |
Education Officer | Belinda Doman |
Carnival Nomination Officer | Gabrielle Kinneally & Kate Dykstra |
Clothing Coordinator | Lauren Kimmins |
Publicity Officer | Grace Govenlock |
BBQ Coordinator | Craig Maidment, Rod Tyler and Justin Willis |
Under 6 | Tracy Maidment, Naomi Currie & Eva Ling |
Under 7 | Kylie Keegan |
Under 8 | Ben Hicks & Tony Carmichael |
Under 9 | Andrew Wilson |
Under 10 | Lauren Kimmins & Michelle Hill |
Under 11 | Ben Keevers & Grace Govenlock |
Under 12 | Nick Fawaz & Belinda Doman |
Under 13 Under 14 Floating Age Managers
Chloe Dunemann Damian Ling & Shannon Zimmerle Kate Dykstra, Claire Hicks, Leanne Ward